10 November, 2010

Rogers Park Halloween Party & Pumpkin Carving


Making music

Me & Tulsi

Caught in a web

Bobbing for apples

Botanical Gardens Trains, Tricks & Treats

Snack Time

The swamp creature is no longer here ;)

Mama should not be carrying us both,
but I was running away from getting a family photo taken

Crazy lady bug


Making myself at home

Giant lizard

Eating my candy already

Lady bug & lady bug trolley

I got to plant pansies this time

Mommy Group Halloween Party

Duck, Duck, Goose

"I'm all shook up"

Elyn, Evie & me going sticker crazy

My girl Elyn
Dawn sprucing me up


So sad we have to leave

It was an eerie evening in the railroad garden

One gigantic jack-o-lantern!

Mad Scientist & Medieval Knight

This creepy plant creeps away when you touch it!

Enjoying a Science Show

"Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give Me Something Good to Eat"

The spooky path...

...was a bit too scary!

Kohl Children's Museum

Dr Emma taking care of the kitty

Just like Daddy!

Em & Ax getting pretty

Dominick's Shopper